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Friday 20 May 2016

An encounter with a Stoat!!

Whilst out in the trough of Bowland last week,I chanced upon a Stoat!I had stopped the car in a lay-by, to check out some curlew that I had seen in an adjoining field, when I spotted the stoat cross the road and head towards a wall.I quickly grabbed my camera and put on the 400 mm lens in the hope that I might get a few shots of this elusive animal.My luck was in as I watched him work the wall, no doubt looking for a mouse to eat!

He certainly knew I was onto him, as every now and then he would appear and check me out.I was about 15 metres away leant against a fence post.

I have been trying for a while now to get an image or two of this lightning quick animal,and was in my element that I had found one,maybe even with youngsters hidden in the wall!

Three or four times he left the seclusion of the wall and zig zagged through the meadow looking for prey!Twice he came back with a field vole so I think was obviously feeding kits or his mate!

I have returned once back to the Stoat,only to have a fleeting glimpse of him as he made his way back from a sortie.Hopefully my next trip out there will result in a few more images of him...I'll keep you posted on any happenings.Thanks again for dropping by and stay well!!!


  1. Paul. Obviously I am very jealous !!! Your excellent observational and photographic skills have captured some wonderful images of this fabulous stoat. Let's hope there are more stoats somewhere around.We must meet up there soon and hopefully the stoat will perform for us. Well done Paul catch up with you soon.

  2. Brian isn`t the only one that is jealous Paul,well seen and very well photographed.The only time I see stoats is a quick view as the run across the road.
